
Saturday, October 15, 2005

I Will Not Forget You

"...but I will not forget you. Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:15-16 (NASB)

As I read that verse this morning, an image popped into my head. It was the image of hands so long ago having nails driven into them. Those hands were, of course, Jesus' hands.

Jesus gave His life for us. He did it for us. He remembered us and because He loved us so much, He willingly went to the cross, taking the nails in His feet and hands, the spear in his side and all the other torture He endured before the cross. He did not forget us in all of this...He did it for us! Through His death, He offers us life. Thank You Jesus!

As a side note, archaeologists have been able to find evidence that the nails, unlike popular belief, probably did not pierce the actual palm of the hand. It was more than likely that the nails were driven into the wrist area, between the two bones. Had the nails been through the palms, it would not support the weight of the body, however, if they are in the wrist area, they could. In Jesus' time, and earlier, the wrist was also considered part of the hand, so the piercing through the wrist would still fulfill scripture (Pslam 22:16 "They pierced my hands and my feet.")

When the passage in Isaiah talks about inscribing or writing us on His hands, "[He is] setting them thus as a seal upon His arm [that] denotes his setting them as a seal upon his heart, and his being ever mindful of them and their interests." (Taken from Matthew Henry's Commentary, Zondervan Classic Reference Series, page 901)

God does not forget about us. We may sometimes feel or think that He has because we don't get our prayers answered immediately or in the way we want. Our struggles and trials sometimes make us think that He has forgotten, but the Bible tells us otherwise, "I will not forget you." He has His reasons and timing for everything.

I don't claim to know the reasons why God does what He does or allows things to happen - I'm not Him. I do know that He has a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and He is with us every step of the way.

He has not and will not forget you or me.


What's my Mission said...

It is definately reassuring to know that despite all the chaos in the world, God definately does have a plan for everything. We don't have to worry about it because our lives are secure in His plans. Thanks for the reminder crazy girl.;-)

Joe said...

Wrtist or hands, the sacrifice was the same.

I wonder if Thomas was looking for wounds in His hands or His wrists?

Good post!

Rose~ said...

Beautiful post...thank you.

Nettie said...

I'd heard that it would have been through His wrists, structurally. But thanks for the confirmation that it would have been the hand culturally, now it makes even more sense.

Live, Love, Laugh said...

wonderful post! So true he never forsakes us or forgets us and He is always with us!

Ray said...

God does not forget about us. We may sometimes feel or think that He has because we don't get our prayers answered immediately or in the way we want. Our struggles and trials sometimes make us think that He has forgotten, but the Bible tells us otherwise, "I will not forget you." He has His reasons and timing for everything.

"I don't claim to know the reasons why God does what He does or allows things to happen - I'm not Him. I do know that He has a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and He is with us every step of the way."

"He has not and will not forget you or me."

When I read these words that you wrote along with the scripture that you mentioned, I thought of how God confirmed that scripture in heart many,many times. There has been (and still are) times when I think that God has forgotten me. But He has shown me on several occasions that He "hasn't.....I just recently received a "new" job that I've been praying for three years about. So if we are patient and really believe that God is a God that answers prayers (in His Timing)

Thanks for the entry...

Maggie Ann said...

Shelley, What blessed truths you bring out in your post. It is both edifying and a blessing.