
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Welcome to April

We are now four days into April. It's been good so far - no snow storms! The snow from our storm on Monday has melted considerable. There is now more grass showing than even before that storm. The back flower bed where the dahlias are planted is totally uncovered now. I wasn't expecting to see that today. The last time I looked out there, a huge amount of snow covered the entire backyard. However, we did get some rain last evening and overnight - and today was quite mild. So, I would think all of that is contributing to the melting snow. Yay!

There are only a couple of weeks left of school. We finish on the 17th, though I don't have any classes that day. I guess then, the 16th is the last day for me. As well, we have this Friday and next Monday off (Easter holidays), so that means there about 7 day of classes. I'm quite happy with this. However, between now and the end of classes, I have a TON of work to do - 3 presentations left, a couple of lesson plans, and a few various assignments. I'm definitely not looking forward to any of this.

I finished my 72 hours of observation in the grade 2 class yesterday. Now, I have to do my journals and write-ups for that and have them in by the 24th (going to aim to have them in by the end of classes though). Within a couple of weeks I will be starting the teaching portion of my internship. I'll be doing half of it here, and the other half I'll be heading to Melbourne, Australia to do it there! Well, that is provided I get my student loan...

By doing part of my internship in Australia, I can finish my course and be ready to start teaching in September. Otherwise, I'll have to wait and do the internship in the fall and finish by Christmas. I am really hoping to go to Australia! I'll let you know when I find out. Hopefully I'll get the student loan...

Well, better head off now and do up some more of my homework. I'm feeling frazzled, overwhelmed, anxious, etc. about the amount of work I have to do. Oh, and as per usual, my motivation is lacking at this time. That's not a good combination. I suppose even if I do little pieces of each it will be a help. What I'd like to do, though, is complete some of the assignments so that I don't have as much to do tomorrow...things that are due on Monday.

Lord, please give me the strength and motivation I need to get my work done. Help me to do my best and to do it for you. In Jesus name, Amen.


Pia said...

God will provide for your needs. may you get to go to australia for your internship. God is good.

Judy said...

Thanks for stopping by my place. I know you are looking forward to school being out and Easter weekend. I hope you have a great Easter. Australia must be such a beautiful place. I hope you get to go there. I have a blogging friend that lives there but have never been there. You can check out her blog by going to mine and clicking on 70 Plus and Still Kicking. She writes a lot about her land of Oz.